企画展アーカイブ/ ARCHIVE

  • Vincenzo Coronati 展 / Vincenzo Coronati solo show
    「 サイアノタイプ 」

    2020年11月14日 ~ 2020年12月13日
    14 NOVEMBER 2020 - 13 DECEMBER 2020

    12月5日(土)から Vincenzo Coronati 展 を中断し、休廊させていただきます。

    We are sorry, but the gallery will be closed from Saturday 5 December
    to guard against the Corona Virus infectious disease.
    Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation.

    『 Sono antico e vengo dal futuro(未来から来た原始的なもの 』

    The first solo show in Japan with his vintage Monotype pieces made in Italy,
    in the 1990’s. Printed just only with sunlight, his works were made
    with his own method of the cyanotype.
    『 Sono antico e vengo dal future
    ( I am primordial and I come from the future ) 』

    Artist ‘s statement / 作家の言葉 Vincenzo Coronati   ( translation : Yoko Tamaki ) From1994 to 2020 a narrative using the cyanotype technique entitled “ Sono antico e vengo dal futuro ( I am primordial and I come from the future ) ”, an imaginary story that wants to propose a reflection on the role and importance of water and sunlight in the life of living beings, a dream that becomes entropic where the past comes from the future. The Cyanotype technique that I create with sunlight and development with running water helped me to represent “ gli uomini Blu ( the Blue men ) ” and their physical and cultural habitats. Monotype works that I will present in Tokyo in 2020. 1994年から2020年にかけて続いている “ Sono antico e vengo dal futuro ( 未来から来た原始的なもの ) ” という題名の、想像上の物語は、生き物の生活に欠かせない水と日光の重要性、そして、過去が未来から来るというエントロピーな夢を表しています。私が太陽の光と流れる水で作り上げるサイアノタイプのテクニックは、” gli uomini Blu (青い人) ”の、その物理的および文化的生息地を表すのに役立ちました。

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